80% of the staff are villagers from in and around our village.
Besides paying above-average wages and gratuities to our employees, a savings account is opened in their names to which a part of our profits is credited, based on performance.
Local staff and villagers consulted before embarking on new projects.
We encourage all visitors to plant a tree before leaving.
Educating the locals on the importance of preserving the forest and the pristine environment and making our visitors know of their contribution to this worthy cause by staying here.
Supporting nearby schools which face difficulties in obtaining state-funding for bare necessities.
Funding the poor/handicapped to pursue their studies and in a few cases….., to survive.
Funding community projects such rice cultivation, road improvements, etc
Buying barren lands of our neighbours for re-forestation through the Forest Healing Project (more details here)
Using natural building-material available in our lands for construction of Lodges etc.
Doing all our purchasing from local shops situated within 5 Km from us.
Growing and sourcing organic coffee from our own and surrounding lands.
Waste Management; using food waste as compost, recycling and reusing plastic & glass.
Use of solar panels for Hot Water
A community shop to develop local craft and provide financial support.