The villages surrounding Polwaththa Eco Lodges is where you can see a simple Way of Life which has fascinated our visitors. We therefore like to give you an insight to village life here which might open the doors to a new life-style that some seek. The village walk, offered with almost every trek on offer, takes you to another world – a world in the eyes of a European where the clock stands still. You will hardly see a vehicle on this stretch but a lot of smiling faces and with their laid-back attitude, makes you wonder whether they were waiting on you to greet you. Their doors are open and in a language strange to you, be ushered in. Their belongings, compared to yours, are meagre but proudly presented, especially their wedding photograph or the picture of their daughter receiving the class-prize or their son winning a cricket match for the school team. They will willingly share with you whatever is laid on the table and give you some spices – the livelihood of many, to take back home. Although below the “Poverty Line”, money is not the mover – their joy is in the sharing. If ever a visitor to Sri Lanka is to take back an unforgettable memory, it will very likely be that little old village woman with that smiling face.

It will not take you long to start thinking…. How can such poor people be so hospitable? How do they find the time to entertain complete strangers? Don’t they want to put their time to better use and make more money to uplift their living standards? To some of you, the answer may be “blowing in the wind” while to others it may be the opening of the doors to a new Way Of Life that you have been searching for. The transition from an affluent life-style to a simple one and from a hectic life to a laid-back style will certainly be a challenge which requires a mind-set that may need some training, perhaps with meditation. The goal is to follow the “Middle Path” – an important part of the Buddhist doctrine which basically means living with not too much nor too little.
Since deciding to find this path requires more questions & answers, we invite those interested to mail us at under the heading “A Different Life-style”.
LOHAS (Life-style Of Health And Sustainability) is a relatively new term in tourism, especially among Europeans, which we, as an Eco Lodge, have been practicing for a decade and our ancestors, as a way of life, for centuries - it therefore comes naturally to us. A combination of physical work, healthy eating (and drinking) habits, early-to-bed and an early start to the day play an important role which can be supported by Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation if needed. The interaction with neighbors, though being strangers to you, is encouraged as much as caring for the environment.
For whatever reason you wish to try out a new life based on simple living in harmony with nature and respect for fellow-beings, we are ready to help you. You have a choice of staying with a local family or in a room at Polwaththa Eco Lodges or at our Home-stays or in a secluded room (our “Corner Lodge”) in the jungle. We will guide you at the beginning and give you the freedom to find your own level, while always being on hand for consultation. We will also arrange Yoga classes, Ayurveda treatment, Meditation and tours within the country besides the various treks from our list of activities.
Please mail us at with your requirements and we will gladly make you an offer.